
Every,, Friday Night ,,we will be having a game of truth dare double dare,,,come on in and join in on the
fun ,,a few laughs,,and a whole lot of fun...
We create this group,,,for people are age..to come into and relax
and have fun and just chill..were fun ..out going and very friendly ,,,,,,,we love to laugh and enjoy life.....come in and
check us out ,,we have a great sense of humor......
this is the new web page and chat room link.... <a href="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.chattersonline.com/ads/jIRC/chatnow.cgi?directstart=false&chan=Just%20Chillin%2040+&webs=www.sweetbuttercup.tripod.com&pagecolor=%23CCCCCC&titlecolor=%2300FF00&bordercolor=%23000000&bgcolor=%235900B3&chatfontsize=14&fonttype=Arial&margins=leftmargin%3D0%20topmargin%3D0%20marginwidth%3D0%20marginheight%3D0&textcolor=0%2C0%2C0&servcmdcolor=255%2C102%2C0&usercmdcolor=0%2C0%2C255&textareabg=255%2C255%2C255&serverrorcolor=255%2C0%2C0&actioncolor=0%2C153%2C153','ChatNow','height=405,width=639');
return false;">Click to Chat!</a>
New ChatRoom
What's New?.....Every Friday night we will have a Truth/Dare .......
and on saturday nite we will have Trivia night,,,,
hope u can all drop bye and join in on the fun,..were a fun loving buch....
We are a great chat room,,,we have several new members ,,i scafle and i are pleased to welcomeu all to our room
our community...we will be hosting a few events,, we will be having trivia night on saturday nights...so come on in
and join the fun
Please get in touch with any comments regarding our site!
you can contact me by email at
